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Education of the youth is in the foundational vision and Charism of the Congregation. The dynamics of Fransalian Education is described in the Constitution Art.nos.36-40. Further, the chariacteristics of the apostolate of education is explained in the General Directory in articles 31 & 32. Our founder, the servant of God, Father Mermier says “the heart of education is the education of the heart”.

Fransalians through the apostolate of Education try to translate the above maxim of our founder into a reality by liberating from ignorance those entrusted to their care and orienting them to seek truth about themselves, God and the world. Our education strives for excellence in all aspects by empowering and enlightening our students to counter the forces of evil by becoming people who commit themselves as liberators from the social, economic and gender inequalities and from the evils of communalism, regionalism, casteism, racism, tribalism and consumerism .They are taught to work against the forces trying to destroy the environment.

In our Fransalian Educational Institutions we strive to provide God experience for the students through our way of life and commitment to the Gospel values by living a life of joyful optimism and respect for others in disinterested self sacrifice. We share with our collaborators especially teachers, instructors and parents the vision of our apostolate of education.

Faithful to the saying of our founder, Fr.Mermier “true education is opening of the heart rather than the mind”, Fransalian educators take special care of the affective dimension of the life of the young people under our care. In our approach to the young we are sensitive to every individual person, caring and guiding them gently yet firmly. We focus on human formation committed to the welfare of the society and the entire world.

Every Fransalian Education Institution ventures to create a unique Fransalian Culture in our educational ministry.