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Pre Primary

The first entry point is the nursery class. At this level the aim is to make the children feel at ease while interacting with peers and adults. The five basic skills, the language skill, the mathematical skill, the creative skill, the social skill and the scientific skill are developed through non-formal approach. Children are encouraged to speak, sing, dance, act, appreciate, play, exercise, draw paint, do craft, predict, analyse, draw conclusions, measure classify and record. They are exposed to the pre-reading and pre-writing skills. Outdoor activities form major part of the pre school activities. Cultural competitions, annual day and sports festival are some of the annual functions to which parents are invited.

Primary School

The formal education system is introduced using NCERT as a guideline. Only in class IV that a child first appears for a short exam. Special Emphasis is given on projects and group activities. Annual grade is given on the basis of continuous evaluation throughout the year.


Class room teaching is accompanied with the use of audio visuals, group activities, regular work sheets, question banks etc. Importance is given on giving individual attention. Due emphasis is given on enabling the child to develop self learning skills during class room teaching rather than depending on private tuitions. A continuous and comprehensive evaluation system is used which gives due wightage to class tests, term exams, project work and class room participation. For classes VII onwards, a continuous and comprehensive evaluation system of weekly tests is followed to assess the children. Basic steps of academic subjects are English, Mathematics, Hindi, Social studies and Science. Presently only Sanskrit will be available as the third language. Dance, music, and Craft are available as part of creative arts. Physical education is compulsory and sports may also be conducted before, after school hours. Promotion to the higher class is based on the average of the entire year’s performance.

Std IX and X

Curriculam is laid down according to the 10+2 pattern of education adopted by the CBSE. Within the given frame work, a broad approach has been introduced, to provide opportunities to broaden the horizon of knowledge and to develop skills. The basic core subjects are English, Hindi, mathematics Science ( physics, chemistry, life sciences) social sciences ( History, civics, economics) and Sanskrit will be the only optional language presently. Music dance or fine Arts will be offered as Art Education and physical education comprises of Athletics and Team Games. Two period work experiences are integrated with the general cleanliness of the School which will give a real experience of work.


The Curriculam will be based on CBSE’s 10+12 pattern of education. We offer in Non Medical Group Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, computer Science, Economics, and in Medical Group Physics Chemistry Mathematics Computer Science and home science. In Commerce Group, Business Studies, Accountancy, Economics, Mathematics, and in Humanities group, history Geography political science economics, sociology Home science fine Arts and physical Education. Internal Assessment as well as written Examination at the end of Each Term determines the promotion.

Environmental Education

The school will play an active role in sharing our concern on the release of the green house gases (Carbon dioxide, Methane etc) and the consequences of global climate changes as it is going to be a challenge to human life during the life time of today’s students. The consequences of global warming, such as rise in the average global temperature which produce extremes of temperatures, sea levels, rainfall, floods and other weather related phenomenon which would lead to natural disasters like loss of islands, coastal areas erratic rains and melting of ice on the mountain glaciers. The school intends sensitise generations of students to evolve a culture of conserving energy, promoting recycling of materials, rain water harvesting etc. besides environmental education, there will be variety of activities and programs undertaken by the school to promote awareness on environmental cause.

Art Education

Integration of art education in the formal school will be implemented to maintain our cultural identity. Students will be encouraged to consider the arts to be useful hobbies and leisure activities. The school’s emphasis will not be limited to putting up shows of dance and songs of popular nature to mark the annual days or other celebrations which have little aesthetic quality; sfs school jhajjar will concentrate on all possible resources and energies towards nurturing artistic capabilities of its students. Arts include a variety of folk and classical forms of music and dance, theatre, puppetry, clay work, visual arts etc. the emphasis will be on learning more than teaching and the approach is participatory, interactive and experimental rather than instructional.

Education for National Integration and Non Violence

The school hold at high esteem the Gandhian philosophy of Non violence pluralism and the economic integration of those on the margins of the society. Gandhiji demonstrated in his life time that power cannot come from might or wealth but truth and perseverance. The tragic partition of India did not stop our leaders from adopting a constitution that made India a secular and democratic republic state in which all citizens, regardless of their faith were ensured liberty justice and equality and which have enabled India to flourish in all its rich diversity. There have been protracted debates over the relevance of Gandhian ideals of Non Violent Methods. The world has recognised that dialogue between nations is a much better way to solve their differences rather than resorting to military aggression. Violence leads to more violence and a nation cannot be built through violence. Today when Terrorism and fundamentalism have become threats of global proportions the school will make use of every possible opportunities to dedicate itself to help students imbibe the essential values of peace, humanity and the dignity of every individual, diversity of cultures, faith and religious belief.

Health and physical Education

The school’s idea of comprehensive health education of its students includes medical care, hygienic school environment, strict enforcing of food served from the school canteen and health and physical education. According to public health foundation of India, by 2020 the largest cause of death and disability as proportion of all deaths in India will be of cardiovascular diseases which include heart attacks, coronary artery disease and strokes. India already has the largest number of people with diabetes in the world. Indians succumb to diabetes and heart attacks 5 to 10 years earlier than their western counter parts. The major risk factors causing heart attacks, diabetes and strokes are high blood pleasure, high concentration of cholesterol in the blood, inadequate fresh fruits and vegetable consumption every day, over weight and obesity. Most of these risk factors are due to unhealthy diets and physical inactivity. Sfs school jhajjar will do everything possible to prevent diseases by fostering health in the school and discourage habits that are unhealthy and developed during the childhood. The importance of health and physical education is emphasised at policy level to be implemented by administrators, health and physical education teachers, of the school through various programmes and activities. There will be inclusion of sports and games especially from the local area and important national and international games will be encouraged during and outside school hours. Special training will be given during vocational period and the school canteen will be meant to foster the health of its students.

Language learning

Language is the medium through which most knowledge is constructed; hence it is closely tied to the thoughts of the students. Present days give too much of emphasis to technology related subjects and not to the subjects of humanities. SfS jhajjar will strive to attain bilingual proficiency among its students which raises the level of cognitive growth, social tolerance, divergent thinking and scholastic achievement. The three language formula is an attempt to address the challenges and opportunities of multilingualism. Language class rooms of sfs will not be confined to teaching terminologies, concepts or training of the speech sidelining the participatory functions of the languages. Individualised reading will be encouraged at all stages in order to promote a reading culture. For this purpose, the school library will be equipped with supplementary reading material relevant to all school subjects. The importance of writing will be emphasised and it would be insisted that children write in a correct way and be placed in the domain of artistic expression, rather than just an office skill. Notes making will be given attention at middle, senior Secondary level and efforts will be made to break the routinisation of tasks like letter and essay writing and make imagination and originality play a prominent role in education.